15 Best Reasons To Start Learning Piano

Published by Jason Yang on

15 Best Reasons to start learning piano

15 Best Reasons To Start Learning Piano

According to the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Global report 2008, 82% of adults who don’t play a musical instrument wish they did. That means for about every 5 adults 4 are in regret.

Don’t be in regret, and don’t let your children be in regret. Pick up an instrument, it’s easier than it sounds.

I’ll bring you through all the music basics under the music theory category, so make sure to bookmark this page or join my email list (check the sidebar to the right)and be the first to hear about any updates!

Anyways, lets get to it.

Here are 15 Best reasons to start learning piano.

#1 Easy to learn

Compared to  other instruments, piano is one of the easiest musical instruments to learn. Anyone can sit down, hit a key and produce a nice sound. You don’t come across any tuning or intonation issues that string players would have, and you don’t come across any awful sounding tone from woodwind and brass beginners. You will sound good from Day 1.

    #2 All genres

    Out of all instruments, the piano is the only one that can play all genres of music. If you’re into classical music, you can play the great works of composers like Mozart and Beethoven. If pop music is more your thing, you can play the backing chords of some of today’s trending songs. If you’re a fan of musicals, there are piano scores for entire soundtracks of musicals like “Hamilton” or “Chicago.” And if you’re a jazz lover, you can learn a few blues scales and start improvising. Now that’s just the tip of the iceberg, the options are unlimited.

    #3 Common ground

    Learning piano is a great way to make new friends and connect with new people. It is the most popular instrument in the world!

    Be it your daunting first day in college or first day at work, meeting like-minded piano lovers in a new environment will definitely ease the transition. You will instantly have a common interest and something to talk about. Your friendship will only grow from there.

    #4 Develop your memory

    Pianists are encouraged to play from memory. It’s no easy feat to be able to memorize and perform hundreds of pages of music. But, it can be done. Playing from memory is a necessity when playing piano as our eyes can’t focus on the sheet music and our two hands at the same time.

    A handful of people have even performed the entire 32 Beethoven sonatas in one sitting, that’s over 300 pages and 9 hours of playing. I’m sure these pianists could easily memorize 10 pages of academic material!

    15 Best Reasons to start learning piano - Daniel Barenboim

    #5 Easy to show off

    You can now find pianos everywhere in all sorts of public places including airports, train stations, shopping centers and even just on the street. So, having a few tricks on your fingers would be a fine way to impress your family and friends. If you’re up for it, you can even do a little busking for a bit of extra cash.

    #6 Multitasking

    Coordination and multitasking are an integral part of piano playing. Firstly, you have to play with both your right hand and your left hand, which almost always play different notes. You also have to manage three pedals with your feet. On top of all that, you have to read music while looking down at your hands. (And no, you can’t grow an extra set of eyes!)  There’s so much that goes into a seamless piano performance that you’ll be an expert multitask-er in no time!

    #7 Well being

    Studies have shown that piano improves mental health. It has been proven that playing just a few minutes a day can help clear any negative thoughts out of your mind and relieve any stress you may be feeling. Piano playing reduces your anxiety levels and chances of being depressed. You will feel happier and more positive.

    #8 Increase creativity

    Playing the piano is an art that requires a lot of creativity. As a pianist, you will need to analyze pieces of music and use your own creativity and imagination to decipher the meanings of phrases. Using our imagination we can make our music come to life. This is something I develop with my students as I want them to find a love for piano.

      #9 Hobby for life

      There are not a lot of things you can have for life. Things usually come and go. But piano is a skill and a hobby that you can have for the rest of your life. I think the world-renowned pianist Lang Lang says it best, “Piano was like my childhood friend, still is, will always be.” And piano, unlike sports, which you gradually stop as you grow older, can be enjoyed no matter what age you are.

      15 Best Reasons to start learning piano - Lang Lang

      #10 Improved academic performance

      The concentration needed to play piano help students focus easier while they study for their exams and allows them to excel at their schoolwork. University studies have shown that middle school and high-schoolers who take music lessons score better in their standardized tests than those who don’t.

        #11 Self-Discipline

        Discipline is an important life skill that will come naturally to you as you learn the piano. You learn to give your undivided attention to the teacher, maximizing your productivity. When you go home, you learn to put yourself in front of the piano every day and practice. This discipline you learn from playing piano will help you in all aspects of your life

        #12 Good work ethic

        Playing the piano helps you develop a good work ethic. Through piano you will learn an importance of “practice makes perfect.” You learn that with hard work and perseverance you can achieve anything. Nothing is served on a silver platter. I believe that learning this at an early age is important.

        #13 Patience

        Patience is another important skill to learn early. No matter who you are your first attempt at a piece of piano music will never be your best. It takes incredible patience to keep tipping away at a piece until it is perfect.

        #14 Confidence

        Piano players are encouraged to perform. After each performance you’ll always receive positive feedback even if it’s just a round of applause. The more you perform, the less nervous and more confident you’ll get. Any presentations will seem like a walk in the park.

        15 Best Reasons to start learning piano - New York park

          #15 Constructive criticism

          Learning piano helps student deal with constructive criticism and teaches them to learn from their mistakes. With weekly lessons, they will constantly be given feedback on their progress. Some of it may be praise, but more likely than not they will receive some constructive criticism from their teacher, and instead of curling up into a ball in their bedroom, they take the advice and improve themselves.

          I hope this list of the 15 Best Reasons to Start Learning Piano has helped you. Let me know in the comments area below!

          Check out my other blog posts to start learning piano today!

          Categories: Getting Started


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